Diabetes Testing and Management Blog

An elderly woman wears her diabetic shoes, supporting foot health

What Are Diabetic Shoes?

Diabetes is very common among Americans. In fact, the CDC estimates that about 1 in every 10 Americans has diabetes. Of those, around 90–95% have Type 2 diabetes. While most people with diabetes ca...
A man gets his regular blood test for diabetes from his doctor

Regular Blood Tests for Diabetes: Staying in Touch With Your Health

Living with diabetes means staying in touch with your health and making it a priority. Eating a healthy diet, staying active, taking insulin or other medications, and monitoring blood glucose level...
A group of friends talk about diabetes in middle-aged adults

Recognizing Diabetes in Middle-Aged Adults

More than 37 million Americans are living with diabetes, roughly 90–95% with Type 2 diabetes. While Type 2 diabetes can develop at any age, it typically develops during midlife (over age 45). Diabe...
A man is supporting his partner with diabetes by cooking healthy food

Supporting a Partner With Diabetes: Practically and Emotionally

Diabetes management can be demanding. People living with diabetes always have to think about eating the right foods, taking insulin or other medications, getting enough exercise, monitoring blood g...
A woman gets up ready to manage diabetes fatigue in the morning

Managing Diabetes Fatigue in the Morning

Waking up and feeling lethargic can be frustrating. After a full night’s rest, your body should feel rejuvenated. Fatigue can strike for a variety of reasons. For those living with diabetes, howeve...
A caregiver for someone with diabetes

Advice for a Caregiver for Someone With Diabetes

Caregivers play an essential role in the management of diabetes. But whether you’re a daughter, son, sibling, or close friend, being a caregiver for someone with diabetes can be challenging and men...
Couple wondering, “How does diabetes affect marriage?”

How Does Diabetes Affect Marriage? Your Questions Answered

A diabetes diagnosis changes a lot about a person’s everyday life. They now have to think about eating healthy, getting enough exercise, managing medications, and monitoring their blood glucose lev...
Managing Diabetes With Dementia: A Guide for Caregivers

Managing Diabetes With Dementia: A Guide for Caregivers

Diabetes and dementia are both common in older adults and often occur together. Dementia can complicate diabetes management, particularly as it progresses and causes more severe changes to neurocog...
Woman managing diabetes during illness

Managing Diabetes During Illness: A Guide for the Cold and Flu Season

Being sick puts additional stress on your body. To fight illness and combat this stress, your body releases extra stress hormones. This is true for anyone—but if you’re living with diabetes, these ...