An automatic blood glucose monitor allows you to monitor your blood sugar throughout the day, whether you’re at home or on the go.

How to Monitor Blood Sugar Throughout the Day

Discreet, On-The-Go, All-In-One Glucose Checks

When you’re newly diagnosed or have been living with diabetes for decades, regular blood sugar (glucose) monitoring is essential for both you and your healthcare team. It not only helps you prevent blood sugar emergencies and serious health complications but also helps your healthcare team assess and refine your treatment plan.

Learning how to monitor blood sugar throughout the day is one of the most important things you can do to protect your short- and long-term health and thrive while living with diabetes.

How To Monitor Blood Sugar Throughout the Day

For most people living with diabetes, checking your blood sugar multiple times each day is a fundamental part of your diabetes care. The frequency at which you check throughout the day depends on factors like age, diabetes type, diabetes duration, overall health, and the presence of diabetes-related complications.

People with type 1 diabetes may need to check their blood sugar four to ten times a day, while people living with type 2 diabetes may only need to check a few times a day. While your blood sugar testing schedule should be determined with the guidance of your healthcare team, the following are considered beneficial times to check:

  • Confirm with your Healthcare Provider the times of day to check
  • Choose between blood glucose monitors (BGM/ABGM)
  • Perform the test-finger prep
  • Document readings and keep comments for unusual readings
  • Make it a habit to repeat every

If you’re living with type 1 diabetes and have a relatively stringent testing schedule, here’s an example of what it might look like to monitor your blood sugar throughout the day:

Time Activities and Corresponding Blood Sugar Checks
7:30 AM
  • Wake up
  • Immediately check blood sugar levels
  • Eat breakfast
8:45 AM
  • Check post-meal blood sugar levels
10:00 AM
  • Check pre-snack blood sugar levels
  • Eat a snack
11:30 AM
  • Check post-snack blood sugar levels (and ensure levels are in a safe range to begin exercise)
  • Exercise
12:00 PM
  • Check post-exercise blood sugar levels
  • Eat lunch
1:15 PM
  • Check post-meal blood sugar levels
3:30 PM
  • Check pre-snack blood sugar levels
  • Eat a snack
4:45 PM
  • Check post-snack blood sugar levels
6:00 PM
  • Check pre-meal blood sugar levels
  • Eat dinner
7:15 PM
  • Check post-meal blood sugar levels
9:00 PM
  • Check pre-bed blood sugar levels
  • Go to sleep

How to Use a Blood Glucose Monitor

There are two main ways to check your blood glucose levels: a standard blood glucose monitor (BGM) or an automatic blood glucose monitor (ABGM).

A standard BGM is a handheld device that allows you to check your blood glucose levels whenever you want or need to. It requires multiple components and a multi-step process.

An ABGM, like the POGO Automatic® Monitor, is different from a BGM in that it has lancets and test strips integrated into cartridges that are loaded into the device. This allows for automatic lancing and blood collection in a single step.

Here’s how the testing process compares between the two:

Standard BGM ABGM
  1. After washing and drying your hands, turn on the meter and insert a test strip into the monitor.
  2. Use your lancing device and lancet to obtain a blood sample from one of your fingers.
  3. Place the drop of blood on the test strip.
  1. After washing and drying your hands, turn the monitor on and press your finger on the test port.

While there are other devices out there, like continuous glucose monitors (CGMs), these don’t actually measure blood glucose levels—they measure interstitial glucose levels. Because glucose enters the bloodstream first (before interstitial fluid), CGM readings lag behind BGM readings by about 5–15 minutes.

Experience Freedom with POGO Automatic

Monitoring your blood sugar throughout the day can be challenging, especially when you live a full, busy life. Keeping track of supplies, finding a private place to test, performing the cumbersome multi-step process, and tracking down a sharps container are all common issues that can get in the way of you checking your blood sugar as frequently as your healthcare team recommends.

POGO Automatic simplifies the cumbersome multi-step process into just a single step: simply turn the monitor on and place your finger on the test port. The lancing device, lancets, and test strips are integrated inside our ten-test cartridges, so once you load the cartridge into the device, there’s only one thing to carry with you.

Ready to Have Freedom at Your Fingertip?

POGO Automatic is the only FDA-cleared blood glucose monitor that lances and collects blood automatically, in one simple step, with its 10-test cartridge technology, eliminating the need to carry separate lancets and test strips. Reach out today to learn more about how you can test your blood without interrupting your day.

Robert Miller, customer experience specialist

Robert Miller

Robert Miller is a customer experience specialist committed to helping people navigate the world of diabetes. He focuses on finding innovative tools and strategies that make diabetes management easier to support long-term wellness.

All content on this website is for educational purposes only and does not replace the guidance of your healthcare practitioner. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new healthcare regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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